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Reminders Every Teenage Girl Needs to Hear

This post was originally written for a blog I write on with some friends and Momma wanted me to share on ours as well :)

Helllooooo friends! Wow. It's been a while. This year has been crazy busy with many trials and I'm thankful for God's goodness (even through the hard times, He is ALWAYS good!) and for the opportunity to blog on JY with some awesome friends who are the best internet besties ever lol. These are some reminders I think every teenage girl needs to hear no matter what type of season they're in.

  1. God has you. Give all of your fears, dreams, and hopes, to Him and know He'll take care of everything. Even if it seems like everything is out of your control you can rest in knowing that He has a plan and is going to take care of everything. He knows what He is doing and has a plan and purpose for you. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says "He hath made everything beautiful in his time"

2. "Just enjoy where you are now." I feel like it can be so easy to get caught up in the excitement for the future that we don't just enjoy now. Enjoy high school, camps, youth meetings, babysitting, days at home, odd jobs. These are things that most of us get to enjoy in our teenage years that won't happen when we're older and in a different season of life.

3. "This will all make sense one day." The trials that don't make sense right now, one day will. Whether it's sickness, broken friendships/relationships, losing a loved one, seeing someone you care about make bad decisions. God has a reason and will take care of things. Even if our earthly minds never get to come to the understanding, in Heaven we'll know the why. Just remember everything is all part of His beautiful plan. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

4.CHOOSE JOY!!! You don't have to be sad and depressed. Yes, some days are hard, many days things don't make sense, but there is SO MANY REASONS TO SMILE. Joy is a choice, and as a child of the King, each of us can always have a song in our heart whether we're in a valley, or on the mountain top. "There is a joy available that the deepest grief cannot put out. No circumstance or person can take away. The joy God give's." -Tim Keller

5. "He's preparing you for what He's prepared you." Maybe you're going through stuff you don't understand or don't get why you're at where you're at. God is using everything for a purpose, and what your going through is going to help you in the future and allow you to enjoy what He has in store for you. " for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." - Hebrews 13:5

6. Don't allow anything other than Jesus to be your main source of joy! While there are many different thing's God allows to bring us joy nothing other than Him should be our main source. If it's a hobby, job, or PERSON! All of these things can change but Jesus is always the same and will always be there for you. "and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." -Matthew 28:20b

7. "You are fearfully and wonderfully made" I feel like confidence is something many teenage girls struggle with, and I do too sometimes. However, that is not how God wants us to feel. He wants us to be confident in Him and the person He made you.

"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." Psalm 139:14



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