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Missions Minded May

Hello friends, it's Summer. This week is our missions revival at church but I thought it would be cool if I purposed my May to being mission minded. When I was 6 years old Jesus laid it on my heart to be a missionary. When I was 9 years old Jesus laid the county of Russia on my heart. Russia is a country of 144 billion people. These people are not only people who live in poverty, sadness, and communist ran lives, but are also people who have souls that have never once in their lives herd Jesus name much less a clear presentation of the gospel. When I was 11 Jesus laid ladies in the 1040 window on my heart. I know that when I'm older if I'm healthy and able I'm going to be a missionary. But what can I do now? I can PRAY there is power in prayer, friends! I can SEND financially even if its only 10 dollars a month. Sometimes not even that. I can SUPPORT. I can support missionaries who are on the field already by praying for them, encouraging them, and maybe even visiting them on the field. (Although that has not happened yet I plan on doing so)

I have always loved to travel but now when I go to a new place the main thing on my mind isn't going to be all of the fun things I get to do its going to be all of the of the souls who may have never herd the name of Jesus I get to meet and possibly witness to. When I walk out my front door from now on I want to think about all the people who have souls that Jesus shed His own blood for them.

Do you struggle with fear of telling others? Maybe just the fact of talking to a stranger scares you. Well if that person is you I have the perfect example that may motivate you to tell someone about Christ even if it makes you nervous. Example: "If you found a cure for cancer, wouldn't it be inconceivable to hide it from the rest of mankind? How much more inconceivable to keep silent the cure from the eternal wages of death." -Unknown

Will you tell others, or will you keep Him to yourself?

In the picture above Mom and I were wearing our dresses she brought back from India.



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